Your images will, of course, be edited according to your specifications. You have several possibilities to brief us:
- Send us a link to your website, blog or portfolio. Our team will analyze your images and process your order based on your style.
- Send us example images with small resolution. This can be images of a whole wedding or just some before and after pictures.
- Send us an email or describe your editing style in the job instructions in the order form, mentioning as many details as you like.
- Send us one of your (edited) Lightroom catalogues along with the Smart Previews. It can be a complete catalogue or just 20 to 50 images to exhibit your style and workflow.
- Send us your customized Lightroom presets along with the catalogue.
If you are sure, you provided us with all the information needed, please place an order. For each job, you have the option of getting ten job samples, wherein you can send us feedback for us to understand your editing style. If your style changes in the future, please do not forget to notify us of the changes.
For more detailed information please have a look at the video below: